Grace and peace be unto you!
This blog is to empower woman in their daily walk. Some things are spiritual and others are just to improve your overall life and livelihood. I hope that you enjoy and tell someone else.
Monday, April 13, 2020
Monday Motivation
Grace and peace be unto you!
Monday, April 6, 2020
Monday Motivation
Grace and peace be unto you!
I pray that you and your family are being blessed by the Lord. I just wanted to remind you that you are ESSENTIAL. Your job may not be deemed as essential but YOU are essential to the kingdom of God. See too often we think the only people that are important or significant are pastors and community leaders, but I beg to differ with you. If there were no members neither pastors or other organizational leaders would be leading. You can not lead if nobody is following. You are important in whatever capacity you fulfill.
It is interesting to me that just a few months ago people were clamoring about not wanting to pay hourly workers more per hour. If they get paid more then employers would have to lay people off. I don't know about you but I am thankful for hourly workers at my local Walmart, Dollar General, Gas station and other places that are still open. Without them, some of you all would not be able to eat (I can cook). Without them, our parents would not have been cared for at nursing facilities. Without them, who would have continued to refill the shelves with food and toilet paper?
Use this time of solitude to really examine the significance of your essentialness and look differently at the essential people that are around you. God is using this time to shift how we see others. We are going to need each other in this next season. Love you to life.
Until tomorrow #LiveBlessed
#healthygirslrock #ninevahtour2020
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Transformation Tuesday
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Thursday Thoughts
Grace and peace be unto you!
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Wednesday word
Monday, March 23, 2020
Monday Motivation
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Thursday Thoughts
Good morning,
Grace and peace be unto you!
I find it very interesting that we have been experiencing rain this entire week. There were tornados in Texas and other atmospheric conditions popping up. While these are not unusual they are metaphoric. There is a washing and a sweeping happening in our land. God is preparing us for the next shift.
Growing up I remember my grandma using a sifter when she wanted the flour to be light and separated. God is sifting the particles that he doesn't want you to have out of your life. He is doing a separating while bring the family unit back together. Don't be sifted out in the next shift of God. Seek wisdom as to the direction you are to go. Hear Father speak and obey. Dont rush or pull the reigns. Let him lead this next waltz. This is a time of strategy. Prayer is your weapon. Dont be defenseless. Love you to life.
Until tomorrow #liveBlessed
#healthygirlsrock #ninevahtour2020
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Transformation Tuesday
Monday, March 16, 2020
Monday Motivation
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Wednesday Word
Grace and peace be unto you!
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Transformation Tuesday
Grace and peace be unto you!
As we look toward transformation in our lives we need to make sure that we are focusing our attention on the main thing. I don't know about you but sometimes I can get sidetracked by the noise of the marketplace and social media. When this happens it hard to know the true direction that we are supposed to be going in.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Monday Motivation
Friday, March 6, 2020
Friday Finance
Grace and peace be unto you!
Finance tip for the day:
Get paid what you are worth. Do you know how much somebody with your skillset should be getting paid in the industry of which you work? Most of us don't. It is time to do some research so that you can get paid what you deserve. Make sure that you have the knowledge you need to be an attribute to have an educated ask. Being underpaid means that you are leaving money on the table. Yes, I know you are like this is cool but I do not like talking about or asking for money. Sis a closed mouth doesn't get feed. Speak up for your future. If you don't think you're worth it, neither will they. Go get your money. Make sure that you have done your due diligence and speak your truth with confidence. Love you to life.
Thursday Thoughts
Grace and peace be unto you!
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Wednesday word
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Transformation Tuesday
Monday, March 2, 2020
Monday Motivation
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Thursday Thoughts
Grace and peace be unto you!
Today's thoughts... it is so easy to be reactive but can you be proactive? Don't operate from your primitive brain. Evolve to a place where right-thinking, acting, learning and doing are the norm. When you have thought through the scenarios you have a go-to and you will be more confident in your decision making. The more you trust yourself to make the right decisions the more confident you become. As your confidence rises so will your swagger and people will be attracted to you.
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Wednesday Word
Grace and peace be unto you!
Matthew 6: 5 “When you pray, don’t be like the hypocrites. They love to stand in the synagogues and on the street corners and pray loudly. They want people to see them. The truth is, that’s all the reward they will get. 6 But when you pray, you should go into your room and close the door. Then pray to your Father. He is there in that private place. He can see what is done in private, and he will reward you.
Friends as we approach this lent season it is really time for us to look inside ourselves and search for our true motives. Why are we doing the things we are doing? Is it to get applause? Is it to see our name in lights? What is motivating us to do whatever it is that we do each day?
Matthew asks us to examine our motives in prayer. Are we praying to be heard by men or by God? As we enter into this Lent season it is a real-time to be introspective about our motives. The scripture tells us to pray in our room with the door closed. Now, we don't need to push this to the extreme in saying that we should never have corporate prayer. However, there is a way in which we should conduct our prayer. When we are talking to good friends we aren't loud and rambunctious. We lean in and listen and share intimate conversation. The writer is inviting us to have an intimate conversation with our father with no pretenses. Just you and your father. Private, intimate, and sincere. Love you to life.
Until tomorrow #liveBlessed
#healthygirlsrock #ninevahtour2020
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Transformation Tuesday
Grace and peace be unto you!
Clarity rarely comes when the mind is busy, it comes when the mind is still. Take time to find some still time in each day to get clarity. It is never selfish to take some time to recharge yourself. Find that special place where you can exhale and catch your breath. Let your hair down for a bit. Sis, it is ok for you to smell the roses while you can. Don't allow others to determine your pace. Get still and hear the direction that you should be going. Love you to life.
Until tomorrow #liveBlessed
#healthygirlsrock #ninevahtour2020
Monday, February 24, 2020
Monday Motivation
Grace and peace be unto you!
Share your light and elevate others.
In this world that we live in so many people are experiencing darkness and feel alone and you could be the difference. I want to encourage you today to speak to someone that you would not normally talk to. Smile at someone that seems to be down. When you are genuinely happy and proceed with that happiness it is attractive. Find another woman and introduce yourself to her. We need to break out of our silos. Love you to life.
Until tomorrow #liveBlessed
#healthygirlsrock #ninevahtour2020
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Wednesday word
I love in this verse how it says to learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I personally have not discovered this yet but it is what I am seeking. The unforced rhythm of God's grace. When that grace is laid on us it gives us the ability to live free from the weight and sin of this world. I don't know how you feel about it but that sounds like shouting ground for me. When we walk with him and emulate him we can walk in freedom. What are we waiting on? Love you to life.
Until tomorrow #liveBlessed
#healthygirlsrock #ninevahtour2020
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Transformation Tuesday
Grace and peace be unto you!
As you transform your life you have to remember that putting yourself last on your list of important things will prevent you from living your best life. When you put you last you teach others that you are not important and they will treat you like you are not important. Remember, we attract what we put out. Be kind to yourself through your transition. You will be happier and happier will come to you.
Here are the 12 Courageous Ways to Be Kind to Yourself:
- Be BOLD - live your life your way!
- Remember - your flaws give you style and personality!
- Ask yourself daily - what do I need to thrive today?
- Your feelings are signals, listen to them - always!
- Rejection proves you're doing something courageous!
- Forgive yourself. Period.
- Stop tolerating - it's not noble to allow things to drain you
- Life is too short to 'should' on yourself
- Rushing makes everyone miserable. Do less and take your time.
- Gather a 'spark team' of people who think you're awesome!
- Stop worrying about what others think. Instead ask, "What do I think?"
- Stand up for yourself - if not you, then who will?
Monday, February 17, 2020
Monday Motivation
Grace and peace be unto you!
I just want to remind you that you don't need to compare yourself to anybody else. Perfectionism is a killer. It will keep you in bondage because in your eyes everyone is doing better than you. This Monday I want to remind you that every step forward takes you one step closer to your goal. You don't have to perfect, you don't even have to be right. Just keep moving forward. Just be better each day. Love you to life.
Until tomorrow #liveBlessed
#healthygirlsrock #ninevahtour2020
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Thursday Thoughts
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Wednesday Word
Grace and peace be unto you!
Ephesians 5:29-30 (TLB) No one hates his own body but lovingly cares for it, just as Christ cares for his body the Church, of which we are parts.
As we move closer and closer to Valentine's day the "love" day I want to encourage you to think about your love quotient. Love Quotient is all about improving our ability to express love to ourselves and others. See one of the things I have noticed in the body of Christ is that we tend to show love outwardly but not inward.
Before you can truly love someone else you must love yourself. While you may be celebrating with a mate take some time to love you first. See when you truly know what you love and love yourself, you will be able to tell others how to love you. It is not a sin to choose you first. Remember, choosing you does not mean you unchoose your family it just means that you get things in order. On an airplane, they tell you to put your mask on first if there is a situation and you need oxygen. Why? Because if you pass out trying to help someone else you are of no good. Sis, today I am just reminding you to put your mask on first and then help others.
Scripture says, You don't hate your own body but you care for it as Christ cares for his body, us. Christ takes care of us. Watching after us and listening for our needs. When you love someone you listen and are responsive to their needs. Are you listening to yourself? Sit down and take some time to listen to yourself. What do you like? What are you missing? You can not get this from anybody else. Love you to life.
Until tomorrow #liveBlessed
#healthygirlsrock #ninevahtour2020
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Transformation Tuesday
Grace and peace be unto you!
Transformation begins when you really come to grips with who you are what we were placed on this earth to do. Too often as women, we live to the expectations of others so much that we don't really get or take the opportunity to know who we are.
Girls are given these sets of rules for how we are to behave while boys tend to get a pass on their behavior. Women are asked to smile all the time. Why? While talking to a man the other day another man told me to smile as he walked by. I ask the man I was speaking to had he ask another man to smile. He chuckled and said, "no I don't recall that I have" and he chuckled again. I then ask him, "then why do men say this to women all the time?" He shrugged his shoulders. See it is these kinds of statements that put us in a box and keep us from moving and operating in all that we are created to be because if we don't smile will we be rejected? If we don't smile will we get the promotion? If we smile too much will we be perceived by another woman as flirtatious?
When we transform our mind into the mind that Christ has given us we can walk in boldness knowing that we are His child and that we don't have to play second fiddle in anybody's band. See we are queens and need to walk with the regalness that comes with that position. Not arrogant but confident. Assured of our standing and sure that we are the handiwork of our father.
Transformation is hard work all by its self. Don't all others to put you in a box designed to make you shrink. It is time for each of us to discover our likes and dislikes, what we love and don't love and to move into the spaces that need to be filled by our gifts and talents. Sis, you have got this. Love you enough to break out of the box and be happy. Love you to life.
Until tomorrow #liveBlessed
#healthygirlsrock #ninevahtour2020
Monday, February 10, 2020
Monday Motivation
Friday, February 7, 2020
Friday focus
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Transformation Tuesday
Grace and peace be unto you!
I have one question to ask you today. Why are you drowning in 3 feet of water? Stand up! I can not explain to you how profound this that is to me today. You don't have to drown, just stand up. Stand up for yourself, for your thoughts, for your money, for your family, for your community. Stand up for what you believe. Stand up for how you are allowing yourself to disrespected.
Ladies, for too long we have been drowning and apologizing for it. Oh, I am sorry I'm spitting water on you but I am drowning. So sorry I should do something about it but I have given my power away and now I am just left to drown. No sis!! Go take your power back. Take back every bit of pride that has been stolen from you. Don't allow anyone to throw shade on you. You have got this. You are the warrior chick that has come to kick butt and take names.
Stand up my sistah. This is your season to access all that is destined for you. Don't settle for some get it all. I love you to life.
Until tomorrow #liveBlessed
#healthygirlsrock #ninevahtour2020
Monday, February 3, 2020
Monday Motivation
Friday, January 31, 2020
Friday Focus
Grace and peace be unto you!
I want to challenge you to think about what you are thinking about. See if the body achieves what the mind believes then your thoughts have power and this power can change the trajectory of your life in such powerful ways. You don't have to be at this same spot next week. Begin to activate the power of your mind to create your future. Love you to life. GO CHIEFS
Until Monday #liveBlessed
#healthygirlsrock #ninevahtour2020
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Wednesday word
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Transformation Tuesday
Monday, January 27, 2020
Monday Motivation
Grace and peace be unto you!
Wow, what difference a day makes. On Saturday you are being honored for your achievements and on Sunday you are gone. It is just a reminder that life is filled with swift transitions. Sisters make sure that you are taking the time to love yourself and others on your road to success. We don't know when our last day will be. It would be awesome to have a long productive life but what if you are destined to have a shorter life? Make it count. Do your best to do all you can each day to bless this world. Love you to life
Until tomorrow #liveBlessed
#healthygirlsrock #ninevahtour2020
Friday, January 24, 2020
Friday focus
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Thursday Thoughts
The kind of blessings that's about to follow me (you).
'Cause victory is here
Keep defeat out the door
God's done a new thing, get ready for overflow.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Wednesday Word
Grace and peace be unto you!
Psalm 29:11 The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace.
This scripture is shouting ground today. I don't know about you but I needed to be reminded of this. Peace is such a small word with a very powerful message. To have peace is to have the world. You can have money but without peace, you will still not be satisfied. Lord help us to walk in, live in, and exude peace. Lord, I thank you, that you are the God of peace.
Love you to life.
Until tomorrow #liveBlessed#healthygirlsrock #ninevahtour2020
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Transformation Tuesday
Grace and peace be unto you!
I hope that you had an awesome MLK Day and spent the day exactly the way you wanted whether that was relaxing, at a celebration, or completing a service project. Dr. King was a great example of transformational thinking/leadership. We know that leadership is an action and thinking is used to process the actions we intend to take.
Today I want you to begin focusing on how your thinking is creating actions in your life. If you find yourself at the same place right now that you were at on this same date last year change is necessary. You don't have to make huge leaps and bounds but you must keep moving. It is so easy to allow time to fly by and you do not know where it went. Be intentional about your time. If you don't demand your time to align with your purpose it will get wasted. Wasted time is wasted life. Every moment you waste is life you can not get back.
Let's transform our thinking. Love you to life
Until tomorrow #liveBlessed
#healthygirlsrock #ninevahtour2020
Friday, January 17, 2020
Friday Focus
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Thursday Thoughts
Grace and peace be unto you!
Wow, we are almost halfway through the month of January and it seems like it just started yesterday. As we go into this MLK weekend I want you to think about a few things.
- Somebody died so that you could be free. Hum, that is quite a large thought but a true thought. For you to walk around and do the things you do someone had to make the ultimate sacrifice and lay down their life. Jesus first but then countless other ancestors that sacrificed in a way that I don't even understand in totality.
- If not now then when? I have conversed with so many people over the last few weeks that said they had waited for the new year so they could manifest their dreams in 2020. However, I see most of them doing the same thing they were doing last year and expecting different results. Stop the insanity. If not now when?
- BE the change that you want to see happen. Stop looking for someone else to come and do the job you were assigned to. Be the change you want to see in the world, in your state/city, in your neighborhood, on your block, in your house.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Wednesday Word
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
Transformation Tuesday
Monday, January 13, 2020
Monday Motivation
Friday, January 10, 2020
Friday focus
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Thursday Thoughts
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Wednesday Word
Grace and peace be unto you!
Proverbs 8: 33-36
33 33 Listen to my teaching and be wise; don’t ignore what I say. 34 Whoever waits at my door and listens for me will be blessed.35 Those who find me find life and the Lord will reward them.36 But those who do not find me put their lives in danger. Whoever hates me loves death.”
Listen to the words spoken by wisdom. Anyone that obtains wisdom, obtains a good thing. Don't try to go through life operating out of self. Use wisdom as your guide. Have an open and teachable spirit in this new year, so that wisdom will flow through you. Remember, wisdom does not always come with age it comes with being willing to speak and act according to the divine direction you have been given. Love you to life.
Until tomorrow #liveBlessed
#healthygirlsrock #ninevahtour2020
Monday Motivation
Good day friend, Grace and peace be unto you! What are you manifesting on this marvelous Monday? With the new day comes new strength and th...

Good day friend, Grace and peace be unto you! What are you manifesting on this marvelous Monday? With the new day comes new strength and th...
Good morning, Grace and peace be unto you! I find it very interesting that we have been experiencing rain this entire week. There were torn...
Good day friends Grace and peace be unto you! Wow, we are in 2020. Who would have believed we would make it? No flying cars or Jetson life ...