Good morning,
Grace and peace be unto you!
Thomas Fuller, observed, "He that is everywhere is nowhere." Could this be the reason you are not making forward progress? Might you you be suffering from no direction?
Getting clarity can be very difficult during various season in life. Yest without clear direction you will find yourself running in circles chasing your own tail.
I want to share few tips I found in Huff Post.
Step 1
To begin, answer these questions
1.What makes you happy? What do you love doing?
2.What have been your most enjoyable achievements in life so far?
3.If you could do, be or have anything you wanted, what would you choose?
4.What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
5.You are given a billion dollars. What do you do?
6.Who inspires you? What qualities do they have that you most admire?
Step 2
Read through your answers and highlight the words and phrases that leap out and feel best to you. It doesn’t matter how few or how many you choose, just go through with a highlighter and complete this edit.
Step 3
Now, you can craft this shorter version into a set of specific actions that you can take to bring more of what you like doing or would like to do into your life. Doing more of what you want to do (or think you want to do) immediately brings contrast and greater clarity.
Here’s an example of how this list may look.
•Set aside half a day to read
•Download one of the 100 free books on Kindle each week
•Join a Library
•Join a book group
•Ask friends for reading recommendations
You get the idea. Keep going until you have completed the exercise for each of the answers on your edited list. Be creative.
Step 4
Take action. Immerse yourself in activities that you enjoy doing or think you might like doing. Sometimes we don’t even attempt things that we may want to do because of a lack of time or a lack of money. The reality is that there are merely excuses. Get busy.
For each item on your list, set a time and date when you will take action.
Step 5
Time to repeat. See we are always refining and editing our lives. This is a lifelong activity of finding and refining our clarity.
You have done first big step and that is seek clear vision. Once you get it, keep it, and move forward.
Until tomorrow