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This blog is to empower woman in their daily walk. Some things are spiritual and others are just to improve your overall life and livelihood. I hope that you enjoy and tell someone else.
Friday, April 29, 2016
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Thursday Thoughts
Good morning,
Before you know it all of the insects of the summer will be out with force. Let's me show you how you can keep them away with essential oils.
Check out my doterra tab. Give me a buzz and I can help you get set up for the summer.
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Wednesday Word
Good morning friends,
I found this poem and wanted to share it with you this morning. It made me question my awareness of my surroundings.
“God – let me be aware. Let me not stumble blindly down the ways, Just getting somehow safely through the days, Not even groping for another hand, Not even wondering why it all was planned, Eyes to the ground unseeking for the light, Soul never aching for a wild-winged flight, Please, keep me eager just to do my share. God – let me be aware. God – let me be aware. Stab my soul fiercely with others’ pain, Let me walk seeing horror and stain. Let my hands, groping find other hands, Give me the heart that divines, understands. Give me the courage, wounded, to fight. Flood me with knowledge, drench me in light. Please, keep me eager just to do my share. God – let me be aware.” Miriam Teichner
I don't want to be so focused on me, myself and I that I miss the plan of God and how he wants to use me to bless someone else. It is not all about me. But it is about how I use my gifts and talents in his kingdom.
And as always... remember to live Blessed
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Tuesday Tools
On Saturday, during the conference, Veronica talked about the Food and Nutrition program that she works with and many of you had questions, so here is the link to the program.
You can also email Veronica Maples at
We will let you know when we set up the meal for $10 class. Have an awesome day.
And as always...remember to live Blessed
Monday, April 25, 2016
Monday Motivation
Good morming,
I would like to thank all of you that supported over this weekend. Soon as I get pictures from the photographer, I will share.
So today I just want to encourage you to follow your dreams. I know, the flood of excuses flooded your mind, but put those thoughts to the side and just dream for a minute. What would you do if you knew failure wasn't a factor? Some of you know, that one of my goals was to get my doctorate. It has not been easy but I will walk in May. I set our to provide quality empowerment sessions for the community and don't get me wring, thete have been challenges but I know it's the plan of God.
Honestly, I don't know exactly where God is taking me or you in this next season, but I think we need to put on our seatbelts, sit back and enjoy the ride. He is God of opportunity so don't let them slip by. Seize every change as if it's your last. Fear is just false evidence appearing real. You already have the vision let's bring it to pass.
And as always...remember to live Blessed
Thursday, April 21, 2016
Thursday Thoughts
Good morning,
I am so excited about what I believe God is going to do on Saturday. I hope that you have already registered, but if not you still have time.
Go to car speakers are so excited and so our vendors. Come early so that you can shop. Doors open at 9 breakfast and programming will begin at 10.
Even if you can't stay for the whole time still come.
And as always... live Blessed
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Wednesday Word
Good morning
This morning I want to encourage you to release. Release the pressure, release the stress, just exhale and release.
Right now we are living in a very high pressure society. It is very easy for us to take the pressure/stress and internalize it as rejection. When we feel rejected, we then project that rejection on to other people and situations. So, I feel pressure on my job, but now I think because my husband is busy and cant immediately sit down to talk, he's rejecting me too. This sends me into a tirade that makes me feel even more rejected and in the end only the enemy wins.
Satan is slick and knows how to get us by our reactions to situation that we encounter. He is not all knowing, he is just all ease dropping. In other words the enemy just like the kid in class that talks about your mama to see how you react. When you react in the way that he hoped the battle is on.
Ephesians 6:12 (KJV)
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places
Denounce the works of the enemy in your life. He is trespassing on holy ground. Learn to totally trust and depend on Jesus. He will bring you through. Give yourself completely and totally over to God.
As always remember Blessed
Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Tuesday Tools
Good morning
Our last speaker that we will feature is Michelle Vann
Michelle is a teacher, an author, a mother, a wife, a leader, a speaker, a motivator, an organizer , and a child of God.
Presently she serves in the Wichita Public Schools as an 8th grade history teacher. Michelle is very active in the community as well as in her church Iasis christian Center.
She is the founder and CEO of Sistahs can we talk, an organization designed to empower women to greatness.
Michelle and her husband Bill own a company called BaM (Bill and Michelle) Group LLC this corporation manages properties, does business consultation and develop young leaders.
Last but not least Michelle is an author speaker. She is presently completing her doctoral work in Christian Counseling and Education and plans to graduate in May. In her time of transition God inspired her to write two books. Stop the Merry-go-round I want to get off and Help along the journey both books will be available at the event. Michelle loves God and his people, so speaking at churches and various events is always a pleasure.
You can reach Michelle by Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, her website or
Don't forget, it is this Saturday coming up April 23rd 10-2 $10 in advance and $15 at the door. Save some money and register now.
And as always remember Blessed
Monday, April 18, 2016
Monday Motivation
Good morning,
I hope that you are safe this morning, it appears to be storming in some for across America.
I ran across this picture this morning and it seemed to share where I'm at.
Life is like a camera, capture the good times, develop from the negatives and if things don't work out take another picture.
What pictures are you taking along the journey? Don't wait until you or a loved one has been diagnosed with something. LIVE and capture every moment. Take time to talk, to laugh and to be in the moment. The thing about a picture is, it never lies. It either is what you would like to see or not but it doesn't lie.
Don't let your faulty memory be the thing you hold on to. Capture the moment.
I have a friend who is being ravished by cancer. At these moments you think of all of the times that you could have, but didn't. Ladies seize every moment with your family. Just as she seemed on the outside to be just find we never know what is cookin' on the inside.
Take your pictures and then take some more. Capture every moment.
As always Blessed
Friday, April 15, 2016
Friday Findings
We made it to Friday. I don't know about your week, but I am glad this one is over. I want to share with you one more of our speakers. Dena Hudson
Dena has been the co-pastor of Living Word Outreach in here in Wichita since 1990. She is a graduate of the Milwaukee Midwest Bible College. She is a mother, wife and a true worshipper. Dena will be sharing with our audience about how to keep your spirit man healthy. Don't miss her this session, I promise she will bless you.
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Thursday Thoughts
Good morning,
Today I am so greatful for life. I am watching a dear vibrant friend struggle through some very difficult health issues. On one side you know that God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we could ask or think. On the other hand you hear the diagnosis and know the prognosis and it makes you think.
Thinking, what am I doing to take care of myself? How do I encourage you through this? Wrestling with the fact that I know my friend is tired of being sick but this is only the beginning. What do you say?
Lord just give me wisdom. Friends, please get check ups, eat right, exercise and get your body more alkaline. Nothing is fool proof but why not stack the chips in your corner? Pray for my friend. The name is not important, just your prayers.
Not really long today just please be wise in you decision making for your health.
As always remember... live Blessed
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
Wednesday Word
Good morning,
This morning I wanted to share a article that was shared with me. So often the concept of the end times seems like just a story. A story that will be et happen in our lifetime but I would ask you to really watch what is going on around you.
For so long as "church" people, we have been so heavenly minded that we are no early good. The bible on several occasions admonishes us to watch and pray. We need to see that the enemy is on his job even when we are not.
And remember Blessed
Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Tuesday Tools
Good morning,
I want to introduce you to Veronica Maples, one of healthy body speakers. Veronica serves the Kansas State Extension office as a dietician and community health liason. She is a native to Wichita and graduated from Wichita ' s Heights High School. She attended Philander Smith College and graduated from Kansas State University in 2015.
Veronica is a proud Delta, she serves on several auxiliaries at her church, Tabernacle here in Wichita. She is also a Young life leader serving teens in the community.
When you see Veronica give her some love.
If you have not registered go to
And as Blessed
Monday, April 11, 2016
Monday Motivation
I want to share something with you that I heard this weekend and it made me think. We have to shift our focus from "What can I get out of this?" to "How can I do this to bless someone else?" That was pretty powerful to me because in life we tend to look at situations to figure out what can I get out of it or how is it going to benefit me?
I/we have been challenged to think differently. Not what do I get but how can I use what I have to bless those that I encounter? If I can use my gifts, talents and resources to make someone else's day God will make mine in ways that I can't even imagine.
Matthew 25:40Then the King will say, ‘I’m telling the solemn truth: Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, that was me—you did it to me.’ I know our society is crazy busy and always adding to our schedules, but let's slow down enough to notice those around us. To truly look into the eyes of someone we encounter and being a blessing. Too often we equate being a blessing to giving people money and while it is helpful it doesn't fix everything. Some people just need someone to be there with them to hold their hand and assure them that it really will be ok. Others just need that dress that will never get into again. Look for opportunities to be a blessing.
And as always remember to Blessed
Friday, April 8, 2016
Friday Findings
Somehow we made it, it's Friday.
I just want to remind you we are just a few weeks a way from our SCWT Saturday Series - Healthy Me Series
April 23rd
Doors will open at 9
There will be awesome vendors for your pre Mother's day shopping pleasures.
Awesome presenters: Nolanna Simon, Jondalyn Crosby, Veronica Maples, Patricia Fields, Dena Hudson and Michelle Vann.
Registration is required use the link below to get to our eventbrite event
We are also excited that The Black Women's Empowerment Movement of Wichita is collaborating with us in this effort. Thank Mary Dean.
Thursday, April 7, 2016
Thursday Thoughts
Good morning,
Lots of thoughts, but I will focus. Many of us are in transition in our lives right now, and as we go through people have ideas about how they think your transition should look.
I have come to the conclusion that I just want to hear a word from God. When he speaks, things have to come into alignment. When he speaks, people that don't like me have to bless me. When he speaks, the gates of hell tremble. I just need him to speak.
I don't want to know your opinion, I just need you to pray for God to speak. Clearly and discisively, speak Lord. Who will pray with me?
As always my Blessed
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Wednesday Word
Good morning
The word that came this morning was from Deuteronomy 31:6 (AMP)
Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble in dread before them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not fail you or abandon you.”
Wow, what little word but what power...FEAR. It can paralyze the biggest giant and the smallest baby, fear. Too often in our society it is the ruler of most of our decisions. Fear
Fear is a belief that someone or something is dangerous, however that believe is not always based in truth. So if I believe the lies the enemy tells me I will never break free of the bondage that comes with the prison of fear. Prison, yes prison, because once fear comes he brings all of his buddies and they have a party inside your head. Doubt, lonelinesses, self loathing, and paranoia just to name a few. The party is only broken up by the word of God. Of this is you, just know that it's a lie. Everything the enemy tells you is a lie. You can and will walk in victory.
Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble in dread before them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not fail you or abandon you.” You and I don't have to be afraid because our father is hung before us to fight the enemy on our behalf. Another scripture tells us to be strong in the Lord and to put on his armor. Yet, another place tells us to he will never leave us nor forsake us. This is a faith walk. Our faith has to obliterate or fear.
Today my sister I stand with you believing that as you allow God to go before you, you WILL walk in faith and not in fear. We will not believe the false evidence that appears to be real.
As always Blessed
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Tuesday Tools
Today I want to introduce you to another phenomenal lady, that will be presenting on Saturday, April 23rd, during our SCWT Saturday Series: Healthy Me- Mind, Body and Soul. Her name is Patricia Fields.
For the past several years I've been involved in grassroots community efforts with a neighborhood association and also the Wichita Independent Neighborhoods Inc which encompasses all of the neighborhood associations in Wichita.
Licensed Missionary and have worked in women ministry for over twelve years. Coordinated women conferences and workshops addressing life issues such as balancing work & family life, healthy relationships, and self-improvement. For the past two years have worked as a youth leader (ages 12-17). She also serves on the KSW Women's Dept Mental Health Coalition
Office Administrator with over twenty years of office and clerical experience. Also with over six years of billing experience within the medical industry specifically with substance abuse treatment. Over ten years of experience with community relations in the area of non-profits.
Specialties: Person Centered Case Management
Problem Gambling Interventionist
Thinking for A Change - cognitive behavioral thinking
Certified HIV Testing & Prevention Counselor
You can find her on Facebook and Linkedin
Monday, April 4, 2016
Monday Motivation
Good Monday morning!
I'm alive, I'm awake and I'm ready to have a great day. Wow., O just spent a very powerful weekend being empowered to do more, for my future. I got away from the seminar long enough to go to church. I got there in the middle of the message but, pastor was explaining how the words that are spoken are internalized and then spoken by you.
Right there God said start calling yourself a millionaire. I might not look like it today, but when it happens, and it will, don't hate. Because soon as I said it some yall stopped reading. But you have say it until internalized it. Then you can walk like it, talk like it and post importantly live like it. STOP when I say live like I'm not talking materially. The more money I have the more God has to bless others, through me. Pay your tithes and give your offering even if you are not a regular attender. The principle works if you work it.
So your task is to say, I'm a millionaire until it gets from your mouth to spirit man.
Friday, April 1, 2016
Friday Findings
Good morning. We made it to Friday?
It is starting to look more like spring and so many of us are beginning to think about our gardens and better eating habits. I saw this article on a health conscious friends page and wanted to share because I believe it will liberate some from some the craziness, we put ourselves through.
And Blessed
Monday Motivation
Good day friend, Grace and peace be unto you! What are you manifesting on this marvelous Monday? With the new day comes new strength and th...

Good day friend, Grace and peace be unto you! What are you manifesting on this marvelous Monday? With the new day comes new strength and th...
Good morning, Grace and peace be unto you! I find it very interesting that we have been experiencing rain this entire week. There were torn...
Good day friends Grace and peace be unto you! Wow, we are in 2020. Who would have believed we would make it? No flying cars or Jetson life ...