Today marks the beginning of Lent, a period of forty days (not counting Sundays which are set aside as mini-Easters of rejoicing in the Resurrection) beginning on Ash Wednesday and ending on Holy Saturday, the day before Easter. For many Christians, it is a season of repentance, fasting, self-examination, and preparation for Easter that reflects back to Jesus’ time in the wilderness before beginning His earthly ministry.
Jesus fasted for forty days and nights. After this, He was very hungry. The devil came to Jesus to tempt Him, saying, “If You are the Son of God, tell these rocks to become bread.” — Matthew 4:2–3
Fasting this is a basic tenet of a Christian walk that we sometimes ignore. Fasting requires sacrifice and most of us don't want to give up our conveniences, but if we are to posses the land it requires sacrifice. What is God asking you to sacrifice in order to hear him more clearly and know him in a better way? The intimacy that we want with the father only comes when we have fasted.
As we look at the scripture Jesus had been fasting and then was immediately tempted by the enemy. Sister I know that some of us don't fast because we don't want the trials that the enemy bring to try to keep us from getting closer to God, but guess what. If you live in this human you are going to have trials, so why not go through with help? In Mark 9 Jesus tells his disciples these kind come out by nothing but prayer and fasting. What situations do you need to fast for?
Take some time to ref to on where you are in your spiritual walk and where you want to be? What do you need to fast from? It truly needs to be a sacrifice. Ladies, I love you and God loves you even more.
And as Blessed
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