Grace and peace be unto you!
What are you thankful for today? I would say I am thankful for life. I know that sounds a cliche but have you seen how many people are dying? Whether on social media or in real life every day I am made aware of someone around me or connected to me in some way passing away. So, it's my story and I am sticking to... I am grateful for life.
I am going to challenge you over the next few weeks to start writing down 3 things you are thankful/grateful for each day and share them on my facebook page (Dr. J. Michelle Vann or Speaker/Author Michelle). I really want to see what is boiling to the surface for you. The more grateful you are the more you will find to be grateful for. Postive light will always attract to itself. Be the light that someone needs.
Until tomorrow #liveBlessed
#healthygirlsrock #ninevahtour2020
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