Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Wednesday Word

Good Wednesday morning,
Oh my the word the Lord showed me this morning is so rich.  If you get a chance read the whole book of Hebrews 9, but I have a bit for us to examine this morning as we approach Easter on Sunday.

Hebrews 9:13 And if under the old system the blood of bulls and goats and the ashes of young cows could cleanse men’s bodies from sin, 14 just think how much more surely the blood of Christ will transform our lives and hearts. His sacrifice frees us from the worry of having to obey the old rules and makes us want to serve the living God. For by the help of the eternal Holy Spirit, Christ willingly gave himself to God to die for our sins—he being perfect, without a single sin or fault.

Wow,  how much more can the blood of Jesus cleanse us from all unrighteousness?  We have to take everything that is not like Christ under the blood to be cleansed. His love for is so vast and incomprehensible that in our minds we can even begin to process that kind of love. A love that will make Jesus take on my sins and yours when had committed no sin.
And after all of that, the only thing that we can say is, thank you.  It doesn't seem adequate, but thank you for your blood that covers every unrighteous thing i have ever done.  Thank you. If you haven't thanked him lately you might want to get on it.

And as Blessed

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